European Social Fund
European Social Fund (ESF). A great deal of attention is given to the opportunities concerning ESF to be implemented both in Poland and in the region of Śląskie Voivodeship in the new period of 2007-2013. Human Resources Operational Programme is of a great interest for many regional institutions to apply for EU money which, hopefully will have significant effects on the regional workforce, i.e. the unemployed, employees as well as the employers. Right now, a notable decrease of the unemployed population and the growth of job vacancies can be observed in the region of Ślaskie Voivodeship as the results of ESF implementation in years 2004-2006 . In that period a great number of projects received ESF financial support including projects concerning reducing of long-term unemployment and promotion of social inclusion, labour market development, skills increase and promotion of employability among unemployed young graduates, equal right policy as well as facilitating workers’ adaptation to new labour market needs.